Construction Site Cleaning & Post-Construction Cleanup Services in Bellevue, Washington


Our post construction clean up and Remodel cleaning services include:

  • architects
  • developers
  • contractors
  • building managers
  • real estate companies
  • mortgage companies
  • retailers
  • heavy industry manufacturers
  • building associations
  • condo associations
  • industrial complexes

1020 108th Ave NE, Bellevue, WA 98004




Tall Pines Construction is an award-winning company located in Bellevue providing quality Construction Site Cleaning Services and Post Construction Clean-up in Bellevue, Washington. When you think of Cleaning your construction site think of Tall Pines Construction! Our Bellevue and Greater Seattle clients enjoy clean sites and streamlined operations because we bring expertise to every construction site.

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License Number: TALLPPC882NS
Contact: Tim Pigatto
Phone: 425-241-2225


Location: 1495 NW Gilman Blvd Ste. 11,
Issaquah, WA. 98027

We are always hiring good craftsmen.
Give Tim a call at 425-241-2225.